Mar 6, 2022Research & DevelopmentBetter Biochar is a Climate Change AntidoteAcross the Pacific Northwest, 40 producers, engineers, and scientists are working together to better understand the use of biochar.
Nov 15, 2021PolicyWe’re Doing a ‘Mediocre to Poor’ Job of Protecting U.S. Coastlines from Climate ChangeA new report shows many states earning 'D' and 'F' grades for coastline protection.
Oct 24, 2021PolicyDistributed Energy Generation Can Fight Super Greenhouse Gas EmissionsMinimizing the use of fluorinated gases can reduce global warming.
Jul 24, 2021BusinessRestaurants Reopen and Food Waste is Back in Season Food waste is a crisis that needlessly fuels climate change, hunger and deforestation. Changes in human behavior and technology could help.